Falkland Primary School

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The Falkland curriculum is dynamic, challenging and engaging. It enables every pupil to have the potential to excel. It is designed so that pupils know more, remember more and understand more.  At Falkland we strive to develop all our children to be healthy, confident, articulate, lifelong learners.

Our curriculum is designed to build on prior learning and experiences, providing a clear and coherent pathway for pupils to develop their knowledge, skills, and understanding in individual subject areas. 


Our curriculum provides pupils with opportunities to:

  • Prepare them for the future so that they can be active participants in society
  • Demonstrate our school values of resilience, kindness, resourcefulness, teamwork and reflection
  • Engage in enrichment activities that support and enhance their learning journey at Falkland
  • Use pupil voice to shape what is taught
  • Be curious and ask questions and solve problems
  • Have high aspirations for themselves


Key skills that are delivered throughout the teaching of our curriculum:

  • Fluent reading and comprehension so that all pupils learn to read in order to read to learn
  • Quality writing and self-expression
  • Knowledge and understanding of the people, places and cultures around us


Our Falkland curriculum recognises the importance to think like a ‘geographer’ or an ‘artist’ so subjects are delivered independently so that key knowledge and skills for that subject are secured.

The design of the curriculum is an evolving and responsive process shaped by evidence based research that takes into account: the needs of all our children; their prior learning; our wider school community and the statutory objectives of the National Curriculum. We return to and refine learning overviews to ensure they remain relevant and engaging.


To support the teaching of the foundation subjects we use resources from the following providers:

For PSHE and RSE we use: Jigsaw PSHE

For RE we use: Discovery RE

For music we use: Charanga

For MFL we use: Language Angels

For PE we use: REAL PE

For History we use: The Historical Association

For Geography we use: Collins Maps and Atlases


 See our whole school curriculum map:


Curriculum Map  


We are learning. We are growing. We are Falkland.